My Side Effects
Learn about how through appropriate nutrition, you can relieve symptoms and side effects, as well as give your body strength to fight the disease.

Some side effects
Learn more about it
The cancer patient does not have to face the problem alone.

How is the Nutritional Recovery of Cancer Patients Carried out?
Nutritional recovery aims to prevent and treat malnutrition, boost the immune system, speed up recovery after surgeries, reduce hospital length of stay and improve response to cancer treatment in general.1,2 Learn about the stages of nutritional recovery.

The Cancer Patient’s Caregiver May Need Help Too
There are several options of intervention that can bring positive results for both the caregiver and the patient. 2

Tips for Safely Preparing Food for Cancer Patients
Carefully choosing items and keeping a good hygiene when preparing meals are essential to avoid contamination.

The Importance of Caregivers for Those Undergoing Cancer Treatment
With treatments’ side effects, caregivers can help in everyday chores and keep patients safe.

How Social Support Networks Can Help People with Cancer
The stronger the social support network’s connection is, the more significant is its help.1

What Does the Information on Nutrition Facts and Food Labels Mean?
Knowing what you're eating helps you make healthier choices.